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An angelic mechanical protector I painted on commission!

Character: Amadeus, Angelic Construct

The prospect of war; it can bring about desperation and even ingenuity from the notions of its fires.

With that in mind, three brilliant and seemingly mad Prophets of the Redeemer Paladine worked to create a protector.

They labored for ages procuring holy relics, precious metals, arcane foci, and whatever they might need to craft their shared vision.

These madmen worked tirelessly to meticulously craft every inch of their forged machine. They crafted the body in the likes of their idealistic notion, their understanding of the angles, something of beauty, and horror.

The most intricately crafted pieces were the six separate arcane holy caster ports in the back that emit seraphim-like wings when the android engages its drive.

At the core resides something of madness: through trial and the horror of error is a heart that captures and harnesses of divine energy. This object is no larger than a human heart and sits just neatly so, in the machine’s chest.

They granted the being with purpose, vast knowledge of the church of Paladine, and its name: Amadeus.

For now, the creation lays dormant in a state of dream-like sleep, awaiting for the day to serve and protect those who come to release the seal it was placed under in a time of need.

What do you think? :)



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