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A charming eladrin botanist with a bloomhorse I drew for Cute Creatures Compendium, my latest book. The bloomhorse is one of the cute creatures you can find in the book, along with its stat block, lore, and more!

Check out the book’s Kickstarter page! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/catilus/cute-creatures-compendium-by-catilus

Patreon supporters can find the early version of the book here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cute-creatures-67113461

Character: Wisteria, Eladrin Botanist, with her Bloomhorse

Wisteria was born to two eladrin parents in the Feywild. From early on, she took an interest in the medicinal practices and studies of her father. Towards the end of her first century, her father got caught doing illegal experiments on humanoids and animals and got imprisoned. Wisteria however was not appalled to hear that. Quite the contrary, she took an interest in these notes and began studying them, and even stepped into her father’s footsteps in the centuries that followed.

Contrary to her father, she studied a wide range of topics. Not limiting herself to humanoid and animal biology, she expanded on chemistry, alchemy, botany, and prosthetics. No field of study was beneath her if she could find a way to use the knowledge in medicine.

At the end of her second century however, history repeated itself and Wisteria was found out. She fled on her trusty bloomhorse, only taking her notes with her, and stumbled into a portal that threw her into the material plane. Her notes scattered in the process, and she found herself in an unfamiliar place. Now, she seeks to recover her notes, regain control of her life in this new world, and improve medicine at any cost.

About Bloomhorses:

Rare and majestic, bloomhorses possess equine bodies adorned with rich manes of exotic flowers. These elusive creatures roam pristine forests and gallop across forgotten valleys, leaving a trail of ephemeral flowers in their path.

Bloomhorses are brimming with life magic and exceptional regenerative powers that are further enhanced under the sun. Their magic also allows them to create flowers at will, an ability they use to adorn their manes with a combination of flowers that is unique to each bloomhorse.

Agile and resilient, bloomhorses can be excellent steeds for those skilled enough to win their trust. In combat, bloomhorses tend to flee and avoid violence, but they can be motivated to join the fight, especially if their friends are in danger.

What do you think? :)




Such a wonderful and beautiful picture. She is graceful and mysterious, her glasses are exquisite and she shows just enough leg and stocking to glue eyes to her. Not to mention her bloomhorse puts most beautiful horses to shame. The rolling of its mane/garland hair is fantastic