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An adventurous elf rogue I drew on commission recently!

Character: Veovis Naelar, High Elf Arcane Trickster

Veovis grew up in a loving family that runs a successful merchant business. He was often overlooked and forgotten about, being the second youngest of seven siblings.

Growing up, he always looked up to his second eldest sister Allynna. She would often care for Veovis when he was young and the two of them were thick as thieves, always causing mischief and sharing secrets. When Allynna started an apprenticeship with a wizard, she taught Veovis a minor cantrip and always said he had the mind of a brilliant wizard if only he'd focus his attention to his studies instead of sneaking off and getting into trouble.

Several decades ago, Veovis' family was going through tough times, and he had had overheard his parents talk about some issues with the local governor. Taking initiative, he spent months infiltrating the governors’ business as a servant. Eventually, he collected enough evidence of the governor’s corruption to have him removed from office when he was approached by a kindly dragonborn chef he had made friends with during his infiltration. The chef introduced himself as Balasar and told him that he belonged to an organization that works in the shadows to take down corruption like this and that he had been watching Veovis for quite some time.

Balasar promised if Veovis handed the documentation over to him all of his family's problems would go away and also offered for Veovis to apprentice under him so that he too could help bring justice to the world through these subtle means.

The next day the governor was removed from his position and imprisoned.

Having found his calling, Veovis eagerly took Balasar up on his offer and began his training within the organization of The Silent Hand.

A year into his first solo mission infiltrating another guild, Veovis started to have feelings for one of their members who was given the task of protecting him. Sharog Kaarsan was a strong half-orc fighter with a domineering presence. Over time, Veovis learned that she had a warm heart and a wonderful sense of humor despite her strong exterior. He learned that she used to be a sheriff of sorts in a remote village before moving to the city and finding work with this guild.

One day Veovis and Sharog were ambushed by some thugs, and Veovis was grievously injured trying to protect Sharog. Their feelings for each other were no longer secret. Soon after, Veovis was given new instructions from Balasar to assassinate Sharog Kaarsan. Veovis pleaded for her life but was given no way out of The Silent Hand's decision.

Veovis chose to run away with Sharog. After getting her to a safe location, he left to try and end things with The Silent Hand, but during passage across the sea a violent storm sank the ship and stranded Veovis on a mysterious island with a few other survivors now trying to find their way back to the mainland.

What do you think? :)

HD attachment below!




He kinda has a "John Travolta" feel to him. Must be that grin