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So, in the latest Pin-Ups and Adventurers poll you voted for: “A fiery red dragon-lady of Theomachy in her mortal form and her true form!” so, here is her sketch!

Chun Heng, a red she-dragon in both forms from the campaigns I play in the Theomachy setting. She is a prudent and freedom-loving dragon who commands the respect of mortals and inspires them to oppose the warring gods of Naam!

Character: Chun Heng, Red Dragon Cleric and Diplomat, in her Half-Orc and her Dragon Form

Wise enough to rein in her fiery temperament in service to her kind and the mortals under their protection, Chun Heng is a young adult red dragon who seeks to free enslaved mortals and inspire those who have lost their way to find a new life in Crilong, the Red Dragonrealm.

In the past decade, tens of thousands of former orc and half-orc slaves have sought refuge within the Great Dragonwall and the vast plains of Crilong. Scared, impoverished, and without guidance, many of these former slaves would have starved to death or forced to a life of crime if not for benevolent dragons like Chun Heng.

Assuming the form of a half-orc cleric, she approaches destitute and terrified former slaves, offering them warm food, fresh clothes, and a chance to live their lives with freedom and dignity.

As a diplomat, Chun Heng travels beyond the Great Dragonwall in her mortal form and seeks audience with warlords and despots who maintain armies of slaves. Her message, delivered with utmost politeness and decorum, is clear: relinquish your power and release your slaves, or face the blazing wrath of the defiant red dragons. Most tyrants comply with Chun Heng’s offer and their lives are spared. Those who refuse to free their slaves live just long enough to see their palaces burn to the ground and their slaves revolt against them, led by a fiery red dragon.

What do you think? :)

Full illustration soon!



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