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Calavith, the diviner and collector of rare magic items, on his way to a wizardly reunion organized by the legendary dark elf wizard tutor Venthir who taught several notable wizards, including Orelyn!

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Character: Calavith, Dark Elf Divination Wizard and Collector

Calavith is a powerful and influential collector who uses his divination magic to uncover hidden treasures and claim powerful magic. Confident and driven, he spent most of his life amassing rare magic artifacts and building a strong network of connections across the Sunken World, as well as the Overworld of Naam. In his quest for power and political influence, he even manipulated several colleague wizards of Varmy, including his protégé, Orelyn, who was deeply hurt by his schemes.

Yet one day, Algodath, a powerful chthonian panoptes, and its minions broke into Calavith’s vaults. They stole Calavith’s treasure and imprisoned him to use his magic and knowledge. Disregarding Calavith’s schemes, Orelyn risked her life to sneak into Algodath’s lair and instead of looting the chthonian’s legendary vault, she chose to set Calavith free instead.

Shocked and grateful beyond measure that Orelyn had picked his freedom over magic treasures of untold power, Calavith, now treasureless but free, had to reevaluate what matters most in his life…

Calavith is one of many characters from the campaigns I play in the Theomachy setting I’ve drawn, and you might recognize him from several other pieces!

About the Theomachy setting:

In this setting, Theomachy, vengeful gods fight each other for ultimate control of the universe, while the mortals of Naam struggle for power on a dying world. Divine magic is a force without expressed will that the warring gods hoard and wield against each other, threatening to undo the entire world. Clerics and paladins are either devout followers of the warring gods or theomachists. Theomachists fight against the gods, liberating diving magic and using it against them.

In Theomachy, dark elves are refugees who upon being cursed by the gods, sought refuge in the Sunken World underground to escape their terrible wrath. These dark elves are not inherently evil. They are mostly apathetic and sometimes hedonistic recluses who seek to shut the rest of the world out. Very few leave the relative safety of the Sunken World for the terrible Overworld where the gods fight each other for dominance.

What do you think? :)
