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Hey all! In the latest “YOU Choose, I Draw!” poll you voted for “A mighty dragon of Theomachy in her mortal form and her true form!” and I made Vanju, the mighty copper dragon who opposes the warring gods through the ages!

Now, we’re voting again! What will YOU choose?

Will it be a stained glass portrait of one of the warring gods of Theomachy, Orelyn staring at some magic treasure, a mysterious shadow dragon of Theomachy in her dark elf form and her true form, the Catilus as an otherworldly warlock patron, Xuna’s interplanetary shopping, an NPC illustration and stablock of Oriel, my noble sun elf illusionist and diviner, Lucifae Carver, my antipriestess of Light (and also the protagonist of the Lucifae Carver, Antipriestess of Light novel!) learning the secrets of halfling cooking, or a whole new family of D&D items: the Adoptable Spider Eggs?!

You vote, I draw!

Like with all previous polls (except for the first one), you have multiple votes, so you can pick more than one option! This will give me a better idea of what people want to see more!

So, here's the poll! Please tell me what YOU want to see next. :)

P.S. Here are some previous artworks of some of the options to help you decide!


The Catilus (will be your warlock patron!)


Oriel casting minor illusion!

Lucifae Carver, my antipriestess of light



I main warlock class so i neeeeeeed a Catilus patron xD please? Lol regardless of what wins i can't wait to see it! <3