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Characters: Hao Min the Human Thief, Durma Frostpaw the Half-Orc Barbarian, Ishar Wyden the Half-Elf Godbanger Paladin, and Kiama the Half-Angel Celestial Warlock

Even the most hardened adventurers need some rest and relaxation after a long day fighting the undead servants of the warring god of death!

Here, Hao Min, the (in)famous rogue is getting changed after the party, having conserved more energy than most, while Kiama, the healer of the group, has just fallen asleep on the table. Behind her, Ishar Wyden, the powerful godbanger paladin, might have found her match in Durma, in a drinking contest while Durma’s trusty bear is dozing off under the table.

About the girls: 

Hao Min was raised in a Lifeism monastery that focused on the teachings of the legendary red dragonborn sage Umo-Wu about passion, optimism, and pleasure. Hao Min took the teachings of Umo-Wu at heart, and as she grew up and honed her skills, she rejected concepts such as authority and ownership. She left the monastery just before her training was over to experience the world and claim what she felt she should have. In the years that followed, she became famous for a number of extraordinary heists and elaborate cons that left even the shrewdest dragonborn inspectors scratching their heads. In secret, her long-term plan is to reclaim the Ten Sacred Dragonscrolls from the traitorous lords and enemies of the dragons that stole them during the civil dragonwars.

Kiama is a confident and cheerful half-angel who has spent most of her life on the fluffy clouds of Felidise, the idyllic dimension of Elurus, the elusive cat deity. Raised among playful felim (flying cats) and other mortal rescues, she knows little of the harsh world of mortals, but as she gets older, her heart yearned for adventure and she felt the draw of wanderlust.

Ishar Wyden is a brave paladin that has sworn vengeance against the warring gods of Naam. Ishar belongs to the oldest anti-god paladin order, the Order of Theomachy, affectionately known as the Godbangers. Sworn to fight for the greater good by any means necessary, the Godbangers are the most iconic champions in the war against the gods. Their symbols include obscene depictions of the gods, and the theomachic X, also known as the diagonal cross. The color purple is often dominant in their imposing suits of armor, tower shields, tabards, and banners they hoist in defiance of the gods.

Durma is a strong and independent woman who roams the frozen mountains and wild plains of what is now the Empire of Krestovo. As the last of her tribe, she has sworn vengeance against Gorg, the god of war, and his followers for decimating her people. Living off the land and employing hit-and-run tactics, she has defeated many of Gorg’s red crusaders, but sages warn that waging war against the god of war himself is madness as Gorg’s rage will eventually consume anyone who fights him. Despite the risk of losing her mind in Gorg’s bloodlust, Durma is determined to cleanse her ancestral lands from Gorg’s red crusaders.

Hao Min, Ishar, Kiama, and Durma are all characters from the Theomachy setting and also Catilus pin-up heroines who will be featured in the upcoming Catiilus Fantasy Pin-Up Calendar!

What do you think? :)
