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Characters: Damaia, Tiefling Evocation Wizard; and Yu Li / Jade Plum, Human Kensei Monk

Damaia is an erudite, withdrawn evocation wizard whose soul got sold in a deal with a devil. In desperation, she began traveling throughout the Eastlands of Ugarth, reading all the lore she could get her hands on to try and figure out how to get her soul back, or at least redeem it. 

In the process, she came to the Temple of the Three Pellucid Ones, to peruse their extensive scrolls and tomes, in hopes of garnering some ancient wisdom. The monks and nuns there accepted her as an exchange student, of sorts, and gave her access to their libraries in hopes of achieving some form of enlightenment.

Yu Li, known as Jade Plum in common, is the Human daughter of a legendary samurai named Seiryu Li, a man of great honor and discipline, and his wife Avalon, a fishmonger's daughter from the Ugarth mainland. She enjoyed a privileged life, free to be as directionless as the changing breeze. It was said that a great redeemer would come from the line of Li, and it was commonly accepted that Seiryu was this redeemer incarnate. When her mother died from a sickness brought on by a magical beast, Jade in her mourning became even more directionless still, leaning hard on her father's service with no interest in pursuing her own. But in his role as a Knight of the Order of Magic, Seiryu was let down by a compatriot at a pivotal battleground, and the Order was nearly destroyed and then disbanded, Seiryu himself cast in dishonor and denied the redemption of seppuku. 

Jade suddenly found herself thrust into the unenviable position of having to shoulder her father's dishonor and redeem the name of Li after all. And thus her wanderlust life was whisked away from her. She found herself compelled to train and meditate, and devote herself at the Temple of the Three Pellucid Ones, to hone herself into something approximating a warrior. She found herself a prodigy of sorts regarding acts of athleticism and combat, mesmerized by the physics and chemistry and spirituality of violence... by embracing her true nature as one who makes single synaptic leaps into situations entirely over her head, a wild child Kensei Monk. And not, to the chagrin of her teachers, as a creature of discipline and focus. 

In the course of their respective studies, Jade and Damaia happened across each other in the temple libraries. And they struck up a friendship born in part of a different flavor of chemistry. 

A friendship that took on new dimensions in a kiss deep in those library stacks.

From thereafter, they would travel from that temple together, find adventure on high seas and distant continents, Damaia flinging fire and lightning from her fingers and Jade battling thugs and machines with fist and blade and gun. 

They would strive to make the world a better place, to redeem Damaia's soul and the honor of The House of Li in one stroke. 

Jade and Damaia would eventually marry, wedded by a Cleric friend in a grove covered with cherry blossoms. But it all tied back to one kiss, surrounded by the knowledge of ages and the smell of books, where two women took a path less-travelled-by. 

Jade and Damaia were characters portrayed in the world of Ugarth, another era of which is being explored and saved weekly in the tabletop adventures of 3.5 geeks.

Their game has ended, but their love still echoes in the multiverse.

What do you think? :)

P.S. Can you spot the three dragons hiding in the library?

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