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Character Name: Acron Starfield, Former Jedi Knight, Leader of the Sentinel Order

Acron Starfield was born on Onderon in the last year of the Clone Wars. When it was discovered he was force sensitive his family arranged a pick-up, Tvaja a Jedi Padawan that was fighting on Kashyyyk at the time. The Starfield family was one of the wealthiest families on the planet and funded the resistance against the CIS, and would later help fund the beginning of Rebel cells across the galaxy, and they felt blessed that their son would become a Jedi and help protect the Galaxy. After the rise of the Empire they started funding resistance cells buying them weapons, armor, ships and training to help bring the Empire to justice as they believed the Jedi were all murdered and someone had to take up the cause. They were eventually captured and are presumed dead. Little did they know that Acron escaped with the help of a Jedi Knight and a few clone troopers loyal to the Jedi. They settled down on Onderon and stay away from most of the larger going ons on the planet and stayed on the outskirts where most things went unnoticed. It was here that he met 2 people that would become his best friends. A human boy named Thom and a Zeltron girl named Talanie. Thom and Talanie were orphans from the Clone Wars and would sometimes have dinner with Tvaja and the others that had escaped from the Temple together at the end of the Clone Wars. In this area of the planet questions weren’t asked too much and they were far enough away from the city to avoid suspicion from the Empire. As time went along Tvaja would train Acron enough to learn to hide wanted to learn much more. He liked the idea of laser sword fighting, so she trained him the best she could. Tvaja was a fresh Jedi Knight so she did not have the experience of a full master, but she did her best training Acron.

In his adulthood Acron left the planet after leaving Saw Gerra’s group and joined a cell with what would become High Command. He fights across the galaxy keeping he was force sensitive secret before getting a command of his own where he eventually revealed he Jedi training on Kuat fighting Abjal, a “Self Proclaimed Sith.” Acron and Sentinel Cell find several relics of the Clone Wars, including Clone Troopers and other gear. He leads an assault on Mandalore to free the world and even BECAME Mandalore for a short time. It was above Mandalore that fate, chance, or the force that brought Eleniel to him via time travel antics.

Here, Acron is meditating with his three lighsabers deconstructed around him. You may recognize Acron from several other pieces, including some with Eleniel.

What do you think? :)

I'll be posting the full illustration of Acron meditating in a few days! 
