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Character Name: Amanita Bispor, Dark Elf Circle of Spores Druid

Amanita Bispor was raised in typical drow fashion to be an assassin (or at least know how to kill) for his family was rather prominent within their kingdom and did anything in their power to claw and climb their way to a higher standing. 

However, Amanita never had a taste for murder. Killing to protect himself, sure! But killing just to get a foot up in the world for his family’s sake? No. In fact, he preferred to learn the arts of healing, medicine, and herbal remedies. Amanita’s family became frustrated with him, but decided his skills could be of use and put him to work on making both medicine and poisons from the plants and herbs he collected. His family also used him to dispose of the bodies of their enemies or political rivals.

And so that began Amanita’s fascination with death, decay, and ultimately fungus. For he would simply bury the bodies deep in the caverns where he collected plants. And bit by bit he began a garden of sorts. After years, he came to realize that death is just a cycle and brought about new life of its own. He avidly practiced cultivating and nurturing this garden of corpses using any his family gave him or he came across naturally be they beast or person.

But karma caught up with his family and they were decimated by many of their enemies and rivals who had come to know of their deeds. Luckily, Amanita was not home when this occurred. Upon finding out, he decided to make his way to the surface where he began a hermit’s life and started a new garden (which would likely be where any potential party he would join would find him). Though he does go into town for necessary items on rare occasions. Thus could be another place to meet him.

What do you think? :)

P.S. Can you find the tiny spider? :P

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