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((Posting the uncensored version for Tier 3 patrons right after this post!))

Character Name: Aurelia (Stage Name: Metia), Half-Orc Gladiator

Born to a concubine in the imperial palace, Aurelia was a raised for two years in the nursery at the palace before given up at the "Milk Pillar", which was a common spot for children to be given up, adopted, or taken into slavery in imperial Rome. There, she was collected by a Dominus of a semi famous ludus. Almost as soon as she could hold a sword, she was trained in the ways of a gladiatrix.

As Aurelia grew older, the Dominus died and his daughter, who for some reason seemed to like Aurelia, took his place. During that time, Aurelia received a letter and a package. The letter contained a parting poem from Aurelia's mother, and the package contained the hilt and shattered blade of a gladius Wyattus Julii had taken into battle. Her only inheritance from her father, the emperor.

From then on, Aurelia made a name for herself as one of the most brutal fighters in the arena, using the emperor’s shattered gladius as a dagger to finish off her opponents. She became so known that all her fights were death matches. (Normally, in gladiator fights this is not so.) In traditional form, like her male counterparts, she wears no other armor or covering in battle. She uses the momentary distraction her body may grant to gain a lethal edge on her opponents.

On her 18th year, Aurelia gained her freedom, but chose to stay as a gladiatrix, keeping the extra money she earned in the arena. Nearing her 20th birthday, Aurelia was paid to do some work for a wizard, who made such a positive impression on her, that he became one of her first real friends. It was also around this time that Aurelia was suddenly struck by love, somehow falling deeply in love with her Domina. At present, Aurelia has caught wind of the current political upheaval effecting the empire, as the call for worthy bastards was broadcast high and low.

Aurelia exists in a low fantasy version of the real world during the height of the Roman Empire. All the player characters are bastards of the current emperor. Fantasy races come from different parts of the ancient world. For instance, elves are Greek and barbarian tribes are orcish.

What do you think? :)




I LOVE gladiators I rolled a Battlemaster once as a Champion Gladiator who set off to fight bigger and better monsters for fame and reputation only to be sucked into saving the world like all adventurers eventually do ^^