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Character Name: Edraith Mithendil, Wood Elf Circle of Spores Druid

Edraith Mithendil hasn’t exactly had an easy life. Colonized by poisonous spores when she was young, her powers lay dormant for quite some time before they woke, accidentally killing her lover. Scorned by her village for the deadly spores she harbored, she was cast out and given the name Wraith. Her raven companion, Natsu, would be her only friend for several decades before she saw civilization again, the only thing that kept her holding on to her sanity.

What do you think? :)

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My poor Druid girl 😭 you captured her perfectly


This makes me so happy! Thanks you for giving me the chance to draw her <3


Awwwwwww... you can see that she is hurting, but has been dealing with it for a long while... You are breaking my heart here!