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My latest D&D item: Rockcutter

Crafted by a primordial earth elemental lord in ages past, the Rockcutter tipped the balance in the ancient war between the twin gods of the dwarves: Brotan of the Mountains, and Stalanos of the Cavernous Deep.

Legends say that the Rockcutter is currently hidden in an enchanted cave that travels through the Sunken World.

What do you think? :)

And, a BIG THANK YOU to all my Patreon supporters who made this possible! Thanks, people, seriously! <3

You can download the FULL-SIZED printable version of the Rockcutter from the attachment below!




This is spectacular. Love the concept, adore the art work. Just WOW!!!


Thank you so much! &lt;3 Check out my other elemental weapons :)


Just curious, where do you get all the properties from? Like is there just one place with a bug list of minor and major beneficial and detrimental properties


My DM and I use the DMG for reference, and playtest around. There are some good rules in the DMG about making your own items. :)