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Character Name: Drago’liel Crystal Wintermoon, Elf Demon Hunter

Drago’liel is an ancient elf whom demonic and void energies transformed into something more. Those not fond of demons would feel intimidated if not cautious upon seeing her. As for others, if her demonic appearance wasn't enough to bring about terror, her towering form and skill in battle surely would.

Now, Drago’liel seeks to avenge her betrothed, Anadrassil Norleaf, and would-be fiancé, Dolrus Ironclad, at all costs. Deep inside, she desires redemption and peace with herself and to be the good person Anadrassil and Dolrus thought she was. Despite her demonic appearance, she has a soft spot for children and small animals.

What do you think? :)

Want more detail? Click the attachment below for the full-sized, HIGH RESOLUTION version! This is a veeeeeeeery wide HD illustration, so I've cut a detail pic of her body without the wings too!
