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Hey everyone! This is not a new plugin or anything, I just want to know your opinion about something.
Lately, I've been thinking of making pre release Patrons only posts that would contain test versions of my plugins.

Pros of doing this:
- It helps me tackle bugs before the final release thanks to you guys (that means potentially less minor updates that just aim to fix bugs)!
- You get access to new features before everyone else (I think that's pretty cool).
- Less stressful releases for me.
- You get my undying thanks!

Cons of doing this:
- Test versions mean potentially breaking things (but that's exactly why I need you, there's so many versions and setup of the game and I cannot test everything).

What would happen:
Basically, I'm going to add one tier (it will be my one and only tier) with a minimum pledge of 1$ simply to describe this perk. If you're already a patron nothing will change for you, and if you're not, nothing will change either, "All my mods are free and will stay free".

How often can you expect test versions:
Oh I don't know, it depends really. Sometimes you don't see me for a month and then I simply appear out of nowhere with a new plugin and three updates. In any case, I believe you all know that I'm active enough in this community to deliver things.

So yeah, that's it, tell me what you think.
Have a great day guys!



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