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Wew lad, how much time since the last one? Three months or something. Well, guess it's time to update!

What's new?

- Added a new option under the chara maker optimization called "asyncLoading". This option means that UI elemens will be created over multiple frames while the user is doing something else. It aims to reduce the switching time between categories at the cost of constant FPS loss (it goes back to normal after a while). Async Loading is disabled by default but feel free to try it (especially if your game is in japanese) and to keep it if you like it that way.

- Added two "From Anim" buttons that copy the rotations of fingers from the hand poses to their FK nodes.

- The vanilla color picker is now compatible with HDR colors! It's more complicated than this, but basically, it means that objects can have colors brighter than white (yes it's possible). How useful is it? In my case, I mainly use it to make the bloom affect certain objects faster (like pupils for example). Feel free to experiment with it.

- Objects are not unselected anymore when using the "Move Copy" feature in Neo.


Version 1.6.0 (Mega) 




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