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When I was looking for a character that starts with an "O," there were very few options to pick. Some of them did not have an xps model publicly available to download. I was left with no other choice but to pick Shermie.  Shame it's not an animation. At this point, I'm questioning myself, "When will this challenge be over?" I was thinking I'd be done by the new year. Given how busy I am this month, both in real life and this plus commissions, I don't think I'll be able to complete it. 

On the bright side, as of this post, I have 11 characters left. The "P" post will be in the clear as soon as I give evilaudio the video. As for "Q," I need to hire a VA. For "R" and "S," I made a choice to make a collage of pics. Lastly for "T," it'll be a short loop video. I made a to-do list, just an FYI. 

About the new PC, I will get the GPU and the PC case this Christmas. Other than that, I got all the necessary parts: motherboard, CPU, PSU, nvme stick, and memory ram. Can't wait to assemble this. 

That's all for this post. I am exhausted from what I'm going to say.  Just a reminder, the commissions are still open. You can contact me on Twitter, discord, or Patreon if you're interested. 




How exciting to get a new upgrade, eh? 😎 What's the new gpu?


It's been long overdue. I could not wait! It's a rtx 3060 with 12 gbs of vram.