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Hey guys, I want to let everybody know that the second part of this project is available on my archive for $5 patrons. I recommend looking at it on the website version because you can't see the pinned tags on the mobile version. 

Alright so, I'm starting to lay out my plans on what to do for the last two months of this year and probably the start of 2020. First things first, I got to spend the whole November finishing up the last two parts of the project. Maybe there's going to be a couple of short loops for this month. Spoiler, it's going to be Widowmaker

Once this project is finished, I'm going to continue working on the Ivy Valentine animation. I started it this month. Next, I am setting my sights on doing Juri-Han. I got an idea in my head. Both of these are not going to be very long animations and both of these are getting a VA. I found one that could do these voices. I'm going to reach out to the VA and see if she's up for it.

Edit (10/31/19) : VA responded and she's very happy to voice both of these characters. For now, finishing up the current project is the main priority. 

After that, I will start working on my favorite character, Christie from DOA. To be honest, I missed making animations of her. Ever since the last animation more than a year ago, I genuinely could not think of an idea involving her. I did make a few projects, but I don't have the motivation to continue working on it.  After somebody made a sound version of that animation, I want to go back. It's very likely I'm going to start something new.

I think that's all for the update. Now, I want to take this opportunity because there's an increased number of patrons pledging me. Let me ask you a question, what kind of content do you want to see from me? Which characters? I would like to hear from you. Anyway, I'm going to spend the remaining part of this week catching up on college work. I appreciate your support. 



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