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(This image is only a preview!). You can check the $2 Dropbox and up for base images, and $5 for variants/lineart/stories! The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


Two linearts (one being a variant) finished barely in time for the end of the month. Actually, the colors are 'done' as well, but I'm waiting on confirmation, so they'll probably be up early March rather than last second tonight. Since I intended to have the colored version uploaded for February, the dropbox links won't be changed next month until the next picture is uploaded.

There might be some small adjustments to this picture when I do upload the colors, as I'm still fine-tuning some details, but the next picture is almost fully sketched so I'm well on my way! Also, next month is the start of the Fairy Tail CYOA, so stay tuned \o/. Excited to start it finally!



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