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It's time!

The last poll is upon us, and it revolves around what we'll base this next story on. It is Fairy Tail focused, but beyond that, I'd like to have a basic idea to focus the story on. Useful for if/when the CYOA threatens to go off-track, it will serve as our north star to realign the focus.

Here are a couple of examples:

A: Erza is sent on a mission to find Lucy, who the Guild has not heard back from in some time. 

B: Erza wakes up in a strange room, bound and gagged. She doesn't know where she is or who did this to her, but she's determined to find out and get revenge.

C: The annual games festival has arrived! Erza, Lucy, and Mirajane have joined as a team, with Erza as captain. Unfortunately for them, the theme this year is... Escapology! 

These are just examples. If anyone else has a fun idea they think might be interesting to explore, please feel free to suggest it! Just remember Erza is the main character, and only Sanae, Lucy, and Mirajane can have any other meaningful amount of focus (other characters can still show up/etc as needed for story purposes).

The actual poll will go up next week! I'll add anything people suggest here (limit of one suggestion per individual) to the poll, and once that poll is finalized, we'll be able to begin.


Mikael Call

Erza accepts a contract/gets dragged to a distant kingdom because they think she’s their princess who’s a super nympho and Bondage slut who lives in bondage almost 24/7 due to her luxurious lifestyle. Unaware of the mixup, they proceed to tie up Erza in layers of bondage and fancy dresses, while Lucy and Mirajane get turned into her maids/ladies in waiting. In reality, the princess had paid to have herself kidnapped and shipped back to the Kingdom over several months.


So Erza takes a contract, and due to a mixup gets confused for the princess and put into constant bondage/dresses. Lucy/Mirajane end up as maids. Is that about right? The only part I guess I'm not 100% certain on is the last part. The real princess planned to have herself shipped back? Over several months?


While on a difficult mission Erza receives unexpected help from the mysterious "earth mage" Sanae. As thanks for the assistance, she offers to take her back to the guild hall and make her an official member of Fairy Tail, in an unexpectedly kinky initiation ritual.