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Full images can be found in my dropbox (This is only a preview!). The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


The true finale! Sanae's mission has been achieved, and someone is forgotten and angry. I was originally planning to make this page primarily just a more comedic one, but realized not having at least a bit of bondage for the final page would be a great sin indeed.

The end of my first CYOA, which has been quite an experience, and a good amount of fun. Learned lots, learned more when asking for input, and ready to start the next CYOA with all this newfound knowledge.

Eventually anyway.

First, we have to figure out some important stuff before the next CYOA can start! Expect the first poll on Monday regarding the content of the next project!



John Doe

And Tenten gets off-screened like Kishimoto intended :) Congratulations on wrapping the whole thing up! It's been a fun ride to follow and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Joe Dover

genuinely forgot about Tenten lol She would’ve made a great damsel though, kind of a shame Great series though, looking forward to the next one