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Full images can be found in my dropbox (This is only a preview!). The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


Sorry this took so long to finish. I realize it's the end of the month and I don't have a lot to show for it, so I will be leaving the dropbox links open for this current month until I've finished the other two images I am currently working on. That way 'September' will still have the proper amount of images, in case people don't want to subscribe to next month.

Of course October will have the regular amount of artwork too. Basically I just lost too much of my September to real life stuff, and I promise to draw at least five images in October to make up for it!

Onto the actual image. I am happy with how it turned out, and a decent bit of bondage and fun in this one. There's only 2-3 pages left, so now we really have to finish up this story! Why is Sanae taking Tsunade to the Hokage's office? Is that where her employer is?! Or this the final stage of her mission somehow?

I have no idea, so I hope you all do. \o/

If you're of the appropriate tier, you can make suggestions on what happens next in the story right here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51679132

Just a reminder that this CYOA is intended to reach its end sometime this year, or early next year at the latest. Keep that in mind when suggesting things :).

Whatever suggestion is voted on the most will decide what happens!



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