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Full images can be found in my dropbox (This is only a preview!). The links to which can be found at the top of this post:


Finished just in time! Was a fun one to draw, although a bit confusing story-wise haha. I don't know where this will go next, but as always it'll be interesting to see! Also grumpy Shizune was fun to draw.

If you're of the appropriate tier, you can make suggestions on what happens next in the story right here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/51679132

Just a reminder that this CYOA is intended to reach its end sometime this year, or early next year at the latest. Keep that in mind when suggesting things :).

Whatever suggestion is voted on the most will decide what happens!




my idea for the next one would be To flirts with Sanae. Sanae breaks character and begins to make out with To (with both their captives forced to watch), with the last panel reveling this has all been a part of To's book which she just finished with "inspiration" from Sanae, who is still bound in To's room (from your To introduction story)