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Wanted to upload this Ty Lee picture to DeviantArt, but figured I should make a slightly more censored version of it before I do. Uploading it here as well, just in case people like their Ty Lee with a little more clothing!

The first part of the CYOA will be up Monday night or Tuesday morning/afternoon!! Stay tuned!

Then I will get started on Miruko vs Bowsette~

Polls and stuff here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/38937718




I just in love. How can you not be. You got one of the most beautiful girls from the anime. You can put her into any position you want with breaking her. Pains and aches yes :-) With great long hair that can be use for more fun and a character trait that seems to get her into trouble all the time. Pranks or can never keep quiet. The artwork is just great but it seems the heart shape she giving that she enjoying it but with the S letter seems she starting to figure out that there really is no way out maybe and watching her friend pack their stuff and her clothes too and leave for the night. Just love it. Thank you