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Good morning! I'd like to announce the poll results and an update on what to expect for March. There'll be a lot here, but I'll include a TLDR at the bottom, because details are for crazies!


Variants Poll Winners:

Sanae vs Azula - Finale - Bimbo (Large)

Neo vs Yang - Part 2 - Nipple Vibrators

Nami - Naked

Sanae vs 18 - Part 2 - Lingerie (Large)

Character Poll Winner:

Akali (KDA)


Patreon Rewards:

Next up are the adjustments to Patreon Rewards, based on this poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/46639340

Firstly, the things that will be removed from the current rewards are early access to sketches/lineart for the higher tiers (moved instead to the $5 Tier, since that's where the majority of patrons are currently!), and double voting privilege for the higher tiers. Since $8/$13 tiers are losing those, I'll offer something else more appealing to make up for it. 

The rewards that are sticking around are:


Variant Suggestions/Polls 

Character Suggestions/Polls 

Revenge Polls

Monthly Picture Reward/'The List' ($13 Tier)


Since both the Variant Suggestions/Polls and Character Suggestions/Polls didn't get too many votes, they'll no longer be monthly (with new polls taking their place). 

Revenge Polls got more votes than I expected, so I'll try and keep updating that consistently! The current poll options are nearly done, so new ones will be added soon!

I'm undecided on 'Games' at the moment. I may do them just once or twice a year, just for fun.

And finally, the new rewards!


Art + Story

Choose your own Adventure

Bondage Tournament

Sequential Gagging


Art + Story! Unfortunately I didn't expect this one to get many votes, considering how little writing I've done in the past. Still, I'll see if I can't make some short stories for some pictures going forward! Since variants will be a bit less common and that was primarily a $5 Tier Reward, the few stories I write will be for the $5 Tier and up.

The Choose your own adventure will allow $8 Tier or higher to make suggestions on the route the story is going to follow, (within reason!). Then everyone will vote on which route to take from the suggestions. Patrons deciding where, and how kinky, the story goes!

Bondage Tournament will be an 8-Character contest, where each match will decide who wins and who suffers humiliating bondage defeat! And the winners shall go on to battle again. Maybe the ultimate winner will get the ultimate prize! The $8 Tier or higher will be allowed to suggest characters to enter, and then all patrons can vote on which eight will partake in the tournament. Afterwards, each match up will have its own poll for patrons to vote on.

Sequential Gagging will be similar to the character polls, where $13 Tier Patrons will suggest characters they'd like to see undergo heavier and heavier gags. Then everyone will vote on a poll for who deserves it the most. Since the character polls will be less common than before, this poll will make up for it.

And that's about the long and short of it! Well, mostly the long. Hopefully the rewards for every tier will be better than they were before! 

And now, here's the SHORT! 


Double votes are gone. Sketches/Lineart available to all. Variant/Character polls and Games are less common. New rewards include CYOA, Sequential Gagging, Bondage Tournament and Stories with some of the art!

And, of course, new polls and new art for March! New rewards will be starting early in March, so stay tuned!

If there are any questions, you're encouraged to ask them! And as always, thank you for your support!

Now to finish coloring this cat girl bound to a chair..



Just because it's not mentioned and I'm curious, what happens to the List?


Nevermind I'm dumb. It's mentioned, I just didn't recognize the name.


My fault either way for not making it more clear! I'll make a quick edit with the intent of making it clearer. Thanks :).


Actual question: do you have a main character already decided for the CYOA? Or is that something that'll be voted on?


And for the Bondage Tournament, any chance that we'll see some comic panels of the actual match, or will the picture just be the final result?


The character will be voted on by Patrons! However I do need to restrict it somehow. I need to be quite familiar with whatever series I'll be making a comic about after all. Still trying to figure out the finer details I admit!


For the Bondage Tournament, I'm probably going to make a poll asking what the majority of patrons want. If people would rather see a heavier investment into each match, that's what I'll do!


Sounds like a great way to handle all of that :) Looking forward to the polls!


Are we gonna see Kali finished in March?


Yes! Try as I might, I wasn't able to get the colors and the planned variant finished quite in time for February. I blame the shorter month. She'll be the first picture I post in March, probably Tuesday or Wednesday at the latest.


Good! Kali is a hot mom, she needs more art. Just don't drive yourself mad.