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Satsuki sure is nice, giving Sanae a makeover like that. Now she looks more like a teacher! Sort of? Just ignore the vibrators and lack of clothing besides lingerie.

Or, y 'know, don't! Either's good in my mind!

I have no idea if I got the 'Bimbo' look down or not. I've never tried it before. Hopefully it's sort-of what you'd expect? Maybe I shouldn't have changed the hair color, but blond just seemed necessary!

Anywho, new lineart up tomorrow! Stay tuned!

Also, don't forget to participate in my Christmas Game here!





That what happens when bimbos think they can just do what they want. XD


Bahahahaha this is amazing and the worst of fates for her


hmmm bimbo Sanae....that is another idea I gotta write down haha


I can not think of a worst way you earn the true wrath of Sanae than thinking or making her look like a bimbo. Hope Satsuki is prepared for the anger of Sanae when the time of her freedom that will come. "Sorry everyone of the school but seems Satsuki is still missing after 3 weeks now and we not sure when she getting back." is all Satsuki sees on the television as Sanae puts her into another unforgiveable bondage position to put on display in her living room. Thank you for sharing a great piece of art with us all here. PS any message sent through message seems somewhat not working sometimes. Just wanted you to know.


You leave Bimbo Sanae alone! She's gone through enough >:V


She's surely not happy about it! I'm sure she'll be even less happy soon..


Thank you for the heads up on the messages! I'll make note of that going forward!


Poor Sanae, at least she will have some toys to spend her time and a bunch of company. Anyway Satsuki must be alert, if Sanae scapes (or a studen do a mistake), she will charge her dearly. Excellent variant. :3