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Time for more variant suggestions!

Make whatever variant suggestions you have in mind. Usually the most difficult kind I'll do are wardrobe changes (Stripping/Underwear counts as a wardrobe change), and I'd classify those as 'large variants'. They take 'two' slots (I draw six variants each month, so a large variant counts as two).

Feel free to suggest as many ideas as you have in mind, for any picture I've uploaded. Of course, as I upload more pictures you can make new suggestions for them as well :).

Right now the only pictures I won't accept variants for are:

----- Art Trades/Collabs-----

----- Bloated file (Too many variants/layers to work with) -----

As well as any picture labeled 'Christmas Request', as they are only intended to be black and white (at least by my hand!)

And that's all for now!



Since the last one came out so well, how about another Bimbo Makeover variant, with the picture being Artist's Choice