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December! An important time of the year for some. Certainly so for me. I dare say it's my favorite month. The only way to celebrate such joyous times are through kinky pictures. 

So here's all that you can expect in December:

Revenge Picture: I didn't get to finish last month's revenge picture (Neo vs Yang - Part 2), so that will be one of the first images I work on this month.

Character Poll: Riza Hawkeye is the winner for December! I've never drawn her before, so it's a nice opportunity. Certainly one of my favorite series ever. Easily top three.

December Game: There'll be no new character poll this month, but there will be a game instead! That'll come a little later this month, probably near the end of this week give or take. Stay tuned for that though, and of course the prizes that come with it!

Variant Poll:

Sanae & Midnight - Sensory Deprivation + Leather Bondage (Extra Large!)

Makoto - Waaaaaaaay more Bondage! (Large!)

Sanae - Bimbofied

Only three variants this month, because I've allowed for 'EXTRA LARGE' variant requests, which take up three slots. I'm a little intimidated by how big some of these variants will be, but it is what has been decided!

Christmas Requests: I still have three I need to draw! Fortunately they are only lineart with simple backgrounds at best, so they shouldn't take too long. I hope.

I have my $13 Reward to draw for this month, too. A new variant poll will be going up a bit later this week as well.

All in all, a lot of stuff this month! Three full pictures, three lineart pictures, three variants and a new game with prizes! But I'm up for the challenge, as I was a bit too lax last month. Besides, gotta end the year with a bang!

As always, I am super thankful for the support up until now. Whether you celebrate December in one way or another, or not at all, I hope you enjoy the month! I will do what I can on my end to make it at least a little kinkier. That's what really counts!



You too Lure, thank you for all the inspiration and good work the past year. And have a great end of year dusk!


And we thank you for you time, art, and friendship. Have a great holiday.