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Whew, tough month! I didn't end up getting the revenge picture done in time, which I apologize for. I'm going to start working on that now, so it'll be the first one up for November!

Speaking of November, here's what else to expect:

First up, revenge poll:

Neo vs Yang - Part 2 (Yang Tied) is the winner here, although Android 18 was a closer race than I expected! I'll probably save this one for the end of the month, since I've gotta get the other revenge picture done pronto.

Character Poll:

Ashe from League of Legends is the winner here. I think this one will be a bit tricky, probably make a post to ask for some suggestions. I'm not familiar with LoL lore, just a lot of the characters!

Variant Poll:

Miruko - Extra Bondage + Bunny Girl Costume (Large)

Sanae vs Tifa - Revenge (Finale) - Lingerie for Tifa

Makoto - Even more Bondage

Tifa - Bodysack/Sensory Deprivation Hood (Large)

I'm hoping to get all the poll results finished for November, as well as the Revenge picture I didn't complete this month and the usual $13 Reward.

Not to mention I plan to get started on my Christmas gift pictures, but those never take as long since they're only lineart. You can expect one or two at very least to pop up in November.

Thanks again for all your support! I have some vacation in November, and I certainly plan to use a lot of it drawing since I've fallen a bit behind. Plus the revenge pictures are really fun to draw, and now I have two of them to do!

Until November my friends~



As someone who has played way way way too much Ashe and League in general, I'm very excited.