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Meant to have this up last night! A thousand pardons for the wait. 

Robin's my favorite gal from the One Piece series, so I had fun drawing her. Although I do like her original look most, I think the majority like her new look better. Maybe I'll do a variant with the old hairstyle though later.

Lineart subject to change a bit before the finalized version is out. Also a few more panels/background to go along with the picture and set up the predicament/story a bit!

Hoping to have it finished by tomorrow night. The weekend gives me POWER.




Robin seems to be Robb’in them hearts!


Nico Robin is the best One Piece girl. She should be Queen of the Pirates. Love her first look better but her new one isn't bad but her OG look is the best. I am still trying to figure out how a 28 year old woman grow bigger breast.


No kidding haha. Oda's love for gigantic chests is bizarre, but appreciated! And now you're really making me convinced I need to do a variant with the OG look.


The Plan is working. OG Robin!!!!!!!!! Did I just say that out loud? I mean great work. XD


Can not help thinking this is just another bet that Robin lost with Nami? Knowing she could just use her talent to free herself from what ever Nami had plan for her. Finishing up the last of the binds and gag was only left. Nami wants to hurry to join the other on shore, looks into Robin eyes with a smile tossing up a large spiral sea stone. Before Robin could react, Nami shoves the stone into her mouth with a little trouble and then finishes the gag. Robin struggled and screams at Nami as she was hoisted up the main staff of the ship. "Have fun, Robin. We should be back sometime tomorrow, maybe."