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Don't forget to vote on the polls this month: https://www.patreon.com/posts/36758457  

This idea was a collaboration of ideas suggested by patrons, as I'm not particularly versed in the Overwatch universe. I had a lot of difficulty with the mech, especially with conflicting references, so it's a bit mish-mashed. Hopefully it looks good enough to not detract from the prize within!

RWBY update tomorrow, and then more variants and another new picture on the way! Maybe two if I'm lucky. Fingers crossed.



Pill Baxton

All the Mountain Dew and Doritos in the world cant help her now XD


What? No! Mountain Dew and Doritos would never let anyone down! I'm sure of it!!!

Pill Baxton

Well Patreon let me down cause they messed up my name when I changed my profile pic, least I fixed it now XD.


Aw, I liked your last name. It was very thought provoking and deep. Made me think about life itself! I guess your current name is fine too..

Pill Baxton

Well, if I changed it back to A, how then would I represent my favorite 80's/90's actor who died in all the movies he was in (expect for Weird Science). Gotta stay with my OG name XD.