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Here's the fourth hint for Game #3. The clues are going to start dropping much faster now, so get ready to answer!

Here's another hint to go with the picture: This character's hair color is uncommon.

Aaaand here's another breakdown of the rules for this game, if you've forgotten:

I'll be uploading hints throughout the month, each one being another piece of the picture, and maybe some text/description hints if people are struggling.  

For every hint provided, the points you can earn from this game are less!  

If you can figure out who the character is on the first hint, that means you'll win 24 points! Congrats!  

If the next hint is posted, you'll be down to 15 points. Whether you need it or not, once it's posted on my Patreon, it's too late! 

Each hint will reduce the total points by three.  

I'll keep posting hints until I eventually just upload the picture in full, at that point the game will be over. Anyone who hasn't guessed will score '0' by that point for this game.

You only get one guess on who the character is, so only make that guess when you're confident! Or if you feel like living dangerously.

Of course, send your guesses to me through private messaging, so you don't give anyone any potential help! Any questions can be sent privately or here on the other hand.



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