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Good day! How are you? I'm swell, thanks!

So, Lusamine from Pokemon is the winner for this month. Admittedly, I don't know much about her! Other than she's mean to her daughter and maybe a bit crazy? I was thinking a Straitjacket picture, but then I did that for last month's winner, so maybe that's too boring.

So, if anyone who knows the character better than I (or just wants to see Lusamine bound a certain way) has any ideas, I'd love to hear them! As you can see, I don't got much.



Lusamine is the worst. She abuses her children and Pokemon in order to create some kind of preservation of beauty which is completely nuts and she funds the villain team you fight in the game as a cover for her own evil activities and she fuses with an Ultra Beast (a Pokemon from another dimension) to become the final fight before the Pokemon League. Straightjacket would work quite well but I'd say tie her up in a bit of peril to make her pay for her actions. ...Basically I hate her because she made Lillie miserable.


Poor Lillie! That about matches what little I knew about her, although there was a good bit I didn't know as well haha. Based on how fiendish she is, I'm certainly on board with being fiendish to her as well! Peril always makes me happy <3. Thanks for the input!


She does run a pokemon preserve sort of thing so maybe having one of them capture her or something like that? If you do want to go down the straitjacket sense I don't think it would be too boring. Could be a what if kind of thing like the other people who work for her start to see that she is sort of loses it and throw's her into a nice padded cell along with a cosy straitjacket. Or another idea I have seen before is a character where one of the team's outfits is used as a restraining device. Kind of like this <a href="https://sta.sh/017ejqf6qpze" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://sta.sh/017ejqf6qpze</a> (sadly found this a bit ago so I couldn't link the original T_T) either with the team skull out or aether foundation one. Sorry for the long winded post but thought I would throw a few idea's out to see what helps.


Hmm, I would like to work the Pokemon preserve in somehow. The outfit idea is interesting too, if I go the Straitjacket route I may try and combine the two together. Thanks for the thoughts ninman!! Helpful as usual.


She obsessed over an ultra beast that resembles a jellyfish known as Nihilego. <a href="https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/2c/793Nihilego.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/2/2c/793Nihilego.png</a> So I say tie her up super tight and have her getting groped by nihilego's tentacles. She deserves worse, though.


yeah, in the games she's kind nuts after encountering basically Pokemon from another dimension. So yeah a SJ picture would work for her. She also has a weird collection of frozen Pokemon that she loved, so maybe something like that could work as well.


was going to talk about how her anime version is a 180 of her game version but I thought the game one would give more than enough of a reason to restrain her haha.

LureDA (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 04:28:05 Ohh, the ultra beast is a jellyfish? That makes things easier! Tentacles are so handy after all. Thank you! I'll be sure to give her worse if I can &lt;3. The plan is formulating in my head now thanks to all the suggestions.
2019-04-04 12:32:09 Ohh, the ultra beast is a jellyfish? That makes things easier! Tentacles are so handy after all. Thank you! I'll be sure to give her worse if I can <3. The plan is formulating in my head now thanks to all the suggestions.

Ohh, the ultra beast is a jellyfish? That makes things easier! Tentacles are so handy after all. Thank you! I'll be sure to give her worse if I can <3. The plan is formulating in my head now thanks to all the suggestions.


Frozen Pokemon eh? That's interesting, maybe could work that in somehow. I think I'm leaning towards the straitjacket as well after hearing what everyone thinks of her haha. Thank you for your input!