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Hello and good day to you all! I hope you've been well.  Here are the results of February's game:    

1st Place: Sean

2nd Place: Darth Revan  

3rd Place: Rondosar    

Their total points were... Well, they all guessed/figured out whom each and every character is. The only difference was the timing of their answers which determined their placing. I forgave minor spelling mistakes since this isn't an English class, as long as it was clear they knew who the character was.   

I later realized some flaws with this games design, but alas, it was too late to fix them so I had to accept them for what it is. Next time I'll not make the same mistake though! I apologize for my shortsightedness. 

Here is the list of characters again, as well as the answers to all of them! Darth Revan.. I'm using your image because it saves me some time and effort. Thank you, and forgive me for not asking first!

The prizes are as followed:

1st Place - One character and background - Colored
2nd Place - One character (no background) - Colored
3rd Place - One character - Black and White

1st place prize is almost finished as is, so shouldn't take long to get through all of these prizes!

Thanks for participating everyone. Next game will be better, with less flaws, I promise! Probably!



Gaaah! I did know more of them. Why did they not click with my perverted mind? X_X