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Hello! I hope you're all doing just fabulously.

First of all, my monthly draw will happen tonight. You can tune in to the stream around 11 PM EST to view the draw LIVE, or you can simply see the results later that night. It's not exactly an exciting stream.. but if you really want, come in and say hi! I will even say 'hi' back.

Secondly, if you haven't voted on the polls for these months, now is your chance! Time is running out after all.

Character Poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/24124049

Variant Poll: https://www.patreon.com/posts/24123727

Thirdly, Chun-Li will be finished at some point tonight or very early tomorrow, so look forward to that.

And lastly, a reminder about next month. There will be no character poll, but instead there will be a game taking place. It won't play the last one, but the prizes will be similar. Three winners like before, based on whomever has the most points. More info to come February 1st!

Now onto the more pressing news.

I was scolded earlier this month by Patreon! Shame on me. It turns out I'm not allowed to offer a 'lottery' (or anything purely chance related), so I have to adjust my reward tiers in light of that news. This only heavily affects the $13 Tier, and it will take place next month (February).

Instead of doing a random draw every month, I'll be changing the system to that of a "wait-in-line" style. In addition, I've added a small perk of a free variant in addition for the winner each month. Here's how it will work:


  • Patrons gain 1 'point' each month subscribed to the $13 Tier.
  • Near the end of each month, the Patron with the most points 'wins' a fully colored picture with a background.
  • Winner can specify one free variant to go along with their picture.
  • Once you've 'won', you go back to having 1 point.
  • In case Patrons have the same amount of points, it will be based on whom was a patron first (Someone that was a Patron on the 10th would come before someone who was a Patron on the 20th if they both had identical points).
  • Your 'points' remain even if you change to a lower tier. What that means is if you had 3 points, then swap to the $8 tier next month, you'll continue to have 3 points until you either win (and then go to 0 points) or subscribe to the $13 tier (Next month you'll have 4 points, picking up where you left off).
  • List will be available to see how many points you have relative to others.


Lastly, I've added one other perk for both the $8 Tier and the $13 Tier. Now both tiers will get an additional vote on all polls, meaning they essentially have twice as much voting power as before. I'm not sure on the best way to implement this, but I'm thinking of just making two polls, one visible by $2 Patrons and up, and one for $8 patrons and up. The $8 and $13 Patrons simply vote on both, and then I'll combine the polls at the end of the month to find out the true tally.

If I can figure out a more elegant way, I will adjust as needed.

I apologize about making these changes so suddenly, but Patreon forced my hand. It's on me though, since I'm the one who didn't read the rules carefully enough. I've tried to adjust the tiers (for the better) and give more incentives rather than take away, so I hope I can be forgiven one day.

Now for the TDLR version.
$2 Patron Changes:

Can now vote on polls.

$5 Patron Changes:

--No changes--

$8 Patron Changes:

Extra vote on polls.

$13 Patron Changes:

Extra vote on polls.

'Lottery' winner each month changed to 'Wait-In-Line' style.

Free variant to go along with your picture.

And that's all for now. Lots of info! Thank you for reading, and thanks for sticking with me this long. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me or post them here.

Hope to see you all in February, when the games begin.



Can we just make it a fight to the death to see who get the next request. :-)