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Alright! First up, our Monthly Draw  Winner: Aurum! Congratulations!

Second! The character poll winner has been decided. Midnight from My Hero Academia! I'll maybe make a post here soon asking for suggestions on what to do with her.

As for the variants: Yang's large variant suggestion has taken the first spots, which leave the last spot up for grabs in this tie breaker here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/23648179

Once that tie breaker is settled, January will be spoken for. I'll create the relevant topics for January (New poll suggestions/etc) soon!



Wasn't the Samus variant in second?


It was technically, but as I only do three variants a month, and the Samus and Yang variants were both 'large' (take up two spots), I had to choose between one of the smaller variants for the final slot. Hope that makes sense!