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Artwork can be found in my Dropbox ($5 Dropbox for Lineart/Variants, $2 for Base Colored Images. This image is only a preview!). The links to which can be found in the community tab:

I got sick today but still managed to finish the colors on time. Smut > Illness confirmed.

Fairly happy with how this one turned out, particularly the first panel which was sort of the 'main' one in a sense, even though the final one took the most effort and gave me a ton of difficulty. The first panel will be turned into a YCH as well, most likely, and since it's pretty simple it'll be the cheapest one yet \o/.

$13 Tier Reward will be next ,and CYOA will come after. Also one YCH planned for this month so far! Stay tuned~

Compendium: https://www.patreon.com/posts/compendium-38937718




I haven't received the link.


I'm hosting the links in the community tab now! If you check there, you should see it. Let me know if you have any issues!