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Hey, so, uh, my computer doesn’t work. Currently using a stopgap with

a second monitor, but no way will this ever be acceptable for actually

getting work done. I have a friend who can help me repair it, but it

might take as much as a week, maybe a little more. I



able to get something temporarily worked out with my roommates to use

their computers in the meantime and just save everything to the cloud,

but the long story short is that I may not be able to work on

commissions for over a week.

Ugh. I’m mad.

I’m super sorry

about this, guys. I promise, everyone’s work WILL get done, but it might

be on a serious delay this month. which is saying something because i’m

never on schedule. Just thought I’d let you guys know what’s up if I

don’t post anything for a good while.

I know I JUST asked everyone for their commission info. This was most definitely an unforeseen circumstance. :/



Oh no! Computer troubles are no fun at all. Good luck with your repairs, Baku.


Don't push yourself! We'll still be here!