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Hey, so y'all remember how I made that comic about a demon girl and a cultist a little while back and it was really weird and cool and I enjoyed myself immensely while doing it but then it just kinda disappeared?

well, it's back now. 

We're gonna try to update with a new page every week for now. Eventually I want to upgrade to publishing at least 3 a week, but for now, baby steps.

I do have a little bit of backlog, and y'all will get to see pages here as soon as they're done, not just when they're set to upload. Fingers crossed I'll actually be able to commit to this project and make it a real thing. 

Original plan was for like 300+ pages in total, and I really do wanna do that: I was inspired by big epic 'porn fantasy' series like Incase's Alfie, Erect Sawaru's Pandra saga, and Gesundheit's Princess Momo. (Also if you haven't read any of those, then you should do yourself a favor and look them up. they're amazing), so expect big, weird, crazy, and sexy demon shenanigans from now into the foreseeable future.



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