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I need everyone here to understand something:

Tits and dicks are modular. They can be adjusted to whatever size you like and they still attach to the body in roughly the same way.

Asses, on the other hand, are not. You cannot simply make the ass 'bigger' and slap it on a character the same way you would another body part. You have to fundamentally alter the pelvis in order to make the ass unrealistically big.

It cannot be done while retaining basic rules of human anatomy.

Don't do it.

Please, for the love of god and the sake of what little sanity I have left, do not do it.

All that being said, this one just barely remains within the bounds of 'what I might possibly feel even remotely comfortable drawing', and it turned out pretty dang well.




Not enough Capcom references, 0/10


Loved your rant in the image's comment 😂