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Holy fuckin' shit it actually happened.

I honestly feel like the later pages aren't nearly as good; I let myself fall too much into a groove and didn't mix up my shot compositions as much, nor did I allow myself enough freedom with the inks as I got further in, but I learned a shitload of stuff about making comics quickly and efficiently. All 20 pages of this only took me about 3 weeks, and I was unacceptably slow for significant parts of that.

I promise I'mma be makin' more shit soon. Thank you guys so much for sticking this out with me, I hope that I've done good enough to make it worth the wait.




Absolutely love it! Ive had the original comic bookmarked and had been checking it every month since it came out hoping for an update! Thank you


The journey is what's important as well as the friends we made along the way.


The real futas were the giants we inflated with cum along the way.


Awesome, great work as always XD


The style absolutely does the business, so happy to see this one finished in particular. Thank you so much!