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This comic is insanely fun to write and draw. There's a bit of a style shift in how I did coloring between this page and the last; I hope it's not too jarring. Hopefully the scene transition helps cover for why the lighting and shading suddenly looks different >.>;

Also, I'm trying something different with my file attachments; since those who would care about seeing layers would likely only be other artists and would have access to CSP, I'm including the .clip file instead of a .psd, because CSP's compression keeps the files WAY smaller. I'm also uploading a high-resolution .png for easier access to those who just want to see the art up close but don't care about the artsy-fartsy side of things.

Let me know if you guys prefer this or if you still want the .psds instead... or if you just don't care. I imagine most don't, but I consider it important to include these sort of things.




If we cared about tonal consistency, we wouldn't be here. I have no opinion regarding the file change.