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Fluttershy: As hung as twilight, or smaller than rainbow dash?

Since we're reverting back from Dream Team, she hasn't actually gotten properly naked before this chapter, and I'm always torn between the two extremes of Flutters having the biggest or the smallest cock of the group...



*Definitely* the biggest. Dash can pull off having the smallest, because she's notionally the most self-confident. Flutters having the smallest would set up an uncomfortable "I don't want this, but what I have is the 'worst' out of everyone's" kind of vibe, which I think would sour the mood. Better to have her selfconscious about it but not put her in the position of *also* being a victim of the SPH crowd. Unless the rest of you are into that kind of thing I guess. It is a poll after all.


Unquestionably the biggest.


Depends on what's up top, I suppose. Personally, I like Hootershy, so in that case, I'd vote biggest. But if you want to put Fluttershy on the Itty Bitty Titty Committee, then going the femboy-esque route with a tiny tool could be fun, too.


I'm tempted to say either medium, or THICK.