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Oh hey, wouldja look at that, I've actually been doing the thing this Patreon was originally designed for for once! This has been under wraps because I've stopped and started so many projects in my distractability, I wanted to make 100% sure this was gonna get finished. Lo and behold, here she be!

I know this isn't everyone's cuppa tea, but hot damn was this enjoyable to make. God, I've missed comics making.

And I promise I won't be skimping on the rewards that I promised so long ago; I still need to do a little touch-up, make a cover and comp up an actual book, but this WILL be printed and everyone at the 5$ level WILL be getting a physical copy of this when it's ready to ship. In the meantime, I have to get back to commissions, so there's no guarantee it'll be like... within the next week or anything, but I'm shooting to have these ready by the end of the year, to be shipped in early january at the latest. That's a generous timeframe, but I'm making that a hard deadline for myself, so I need that wiggle room built in.

If you're interested in getting physical copies of my comics, please make sure you have your shipping info readily available on patreon, and if you're not interested/can't receive mailed rewards from me, please make sure you DON'T have that info available, just to make sure I don't send one to you by default.

Thanks so much, you guys~ making comics, no matter what kind they are, is honestly what I live for, and you all make this possible.


Kyera Angelus

Normally I'm not into coco penetration, but holy... that comic was hot as hell <3


Nice work, Baku. The tone of the dialogue felt a little uneven in places but a really good, sexy comic overall!


it likely has to do with the actual creation of the comic; I did the first six pages like... 4-ish months ago and then had to take a break and got overwhelmed with commissions and only just came back to it this past week to finish it up, so getting back into the tone and cadence I had going for the first half was kinda awkward.


y'know... I'm uh... I can't blame you. it's easily the weirdest thing I'm into myself, and I 100% understand why people aren't into it, because I only partly understand why the hell I AM into it in the first place, but I'm glad you liked it. I had WAY too much fun writing Trixie and Twilight's dialogue. it's so rare to see master/slave relationships that are genuinely loving and affectionate, and I had a BLAST creating the dynamic between these two.


Great stuff Baku, absolutely loved this, so hyped for more of any of your comics :D


This is a magnificent comic. I hope it's okay I voted for 2 comics.


Can we get a .rar of the whole thing?


Once I do the whole shebang with a front and back cover, a proper Patreon thanks page, etc. I'll make a PDF of it for your guys for easy reading at full resolution.


Yeah, the cock in cock thing has never particularly interested me, but dear god was this ever hot as hell. Thank you so much!


Agreed, not usually my thing but surprisingly hot, cant wait for an easy rar.