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Man... crystal ponies are tough to figure out. Took me like 4 hours just to figure out how I wanted to do the jeweled facets, but I think this turned out alright. Also nobody seems to want to wear pants that actually conceal their endowments in this image. Honestly, they're both pretty well hung, so I can't exactly blame them.




Please don't take this wrong, you know I love your art. The way you did her crystal skin makes it look like she's malnourished.


Man, This shit was a real puzzler. The way the crystal ponies are drawn in the show simply wouldn't work with my much more detailed style. I did and re-did the effect like 4 times before I got something I was halfway satisfied with. I think in the future I'll be able to make it work better because I won't be doing a patchwork combination of all the different methods I tried out beforehand and will have a better workflow for it.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-07 23:55:34 I, for one, love the result <3 came out really fantastic, looking forward to the next one already.
2017-10-07 23:32:35 I, for one, love the result <3 came out really fantastic, looking forward to the next one already.

I, for one, love the result <3 came out really fantastic, looking forward to the next one already.


Yeah, I can see what you mean by "patchwork combination". I apologize if I sounded/read rude. That was what popped into my head when I 1st saw her, and before I read your description.