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Thank you guys so much for dealing with my slowness this whole time, and a huge, huge thanks to everyone who maintained their pledge through August just to show your support to me.

It means the absolute world to me that you guys like my work so much as to support it in the first place, and it's always encouraging to realize how much you guys have my back. I'm still really busy and juggling various different projects, but I'm working my ass off to make sure I'm worthy of your generosity.

That being said, it looks like I should be roughly on-schedule to complete the current backlog of commissions before September begins; might be off by a day or two, but I'm generally on-schedule, so if you dropped your pledge for the month of August and would like to be getting commissions once more, you can go ahead and put your pledge back at its previous spot, and once the payments are processed, we shall begin anew.

If there's any issue with you re-claiming your spot (a few new people have already jumped on since the month began), please message me and we can work something out. I don't want anyone losing their spot as my client because of this break, but I also don't want to scare off new clients, so shoot me a message in the case that the spot you had previously has now been filled up, and we can work it out.


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