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Hey, guys, so in case it hasn't become completely obvious, I am way, WAY behind on just about everything at the moment. I really do wish I could have done this sooner so as not to keep you guys waiting on so many things, but I was at a point where I literally could not afford to drop my income for the month by the amount that it would take to let me catch up.

However, I am now in a bit of a better financial position, and thus, I'm going to make an effort to be more on-schedule in the future. That begins with me having to cancel commissions for the month of August. Pledges for July should all be processed and sent to me within the next couple of days, so you will be getting your stuff for this month. I'm making this announcement now so that you guys have plenty of time to handle your pledges before you get charged again. I will be making a couple other reminders if anyone remains at their pledge level too long.

I will not be offering refunds if you do end up pledging for August even when my commissions are closed; I'm announcing this over 3 weeks ahead of time, so y'all have no excuse to slip up on this.

Some of you are ridiculously nice (and affluent) and have offered to forego commissions for a month in the past even when you still sent me the money. If you're willing to do that now, I will absolutely love you forever, but by no means do I expect anyone at all to pay me 75+ bucks for nothing in return

I should be back in fighting fit condition by the start of september, and ready to go on everything then. I still have all the commissions that were supposed to be done during June, and the ones for this month of July to do, so there will be regular content updates; probably a good idea to keep a 1$ pledge the whole time so you can access your full-size commission files and keep notified for when commissions are open again.

Oh, I might also be changing over to the charge upfront pay style from patreon when I start these back up, which won't actually be any different for the schedule of commissions, but might charge you at a different time of the month, so be on the lookout for that.

Thank you guys so much for dealing with me and my poor time management through all of this; y'all mean the absolute world to me, and you are the ones who make my life as an artist possible. That's why I'm doing this; I don't want to give you guys anything less than the best possible product I can, and I most definitely can't do that when I'm so rushed and behind. So once again, thank you so much for continuing to support me.