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We got another landslide. Damn, just when I thought I'd made balanced options. I really thought the other two would put up a good fight. ^^;

Prince Ali aka Aladdin WINS!

Now what's his Halloween costume gonna be? (That's rhetorical, I already have something. Hehe.)



you played with my heart? :P but yeah...I would say either try avoid putting in Disney at all in the choices or make it Disney VS Disney. otherwise its gonna suck for anybody that isn't much into Disney, like me.


Ah well Hisoka and Loki will still be up as sketches that can become colored later. And you get to see them first. haha


Er technically Loki is Disney now after all hahaha But still, I don’t mind seeing Aladdin~ always good to see porn of him hehe curious to see what you’ll do~!


I don't think there's much truth in this, esp considering Eric & Triton lost two months in a row lol


Well it was close their first time, then Axel and Demyx won on their second.