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Sync up the time code and watch along with my full uncut reaction and thoughts! You must have your own footage to sync the times with! I'm watching on Netflix so Timer starts with the video at 0:00:00!

Reaction Highlights/Review: https://youtu.be/psdZvrhi_DU


STRANGER THINGS 3x8 Reaction Watch Along

Sync up the time code and watch along with my full uncut reaction and thoughts! You must have your own footage to sync the times with! I'm watching on Netflix so Timer starts with the video at 0:00:00!


Ghost Mom

Even if Billy hadn't broken free of the mind flayers control and sacrificed himself, he was dead regardless. His blood was black, he had drank all those chemicals just like all the other flayed, once the gate closed he would have been meat, atleast this way he goes out doing something redeemable. As for what the the official story was, regarding the mall, they showed a news paper clipping that said something along the lines of "hero chief dies in fire" and somethign else about over 30 dead. so the military probably fabricated some story about a huge fire and claimed all the people who had become flayed just happened to be there during the fire and Hopper died trying tor escue them. it covers up all the missing people with a neat little bow. they do sort of gloss over the little massacre at the hospital though, lol