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DELVE is evolving in this new expansion. Over the past few months I've been jotting down ideas for the eventual DELVE sequel (which is still way off in the future but I like thinking about it) and one of the big things that I've come up with is the concept of Biomes, unique areas with their own Gameplay Effects, ♣ and ♠ Events, Rooms, and Units.

This expansion introduces 14 unique Biomes with 28 Events for each as well as a handful of Rooms and Units that can only be accessed once you've found those Biomes which should keep the mental load down.

So far I'm about halfway through writing the expansion but I wanted to let you all see what I've been up to and know that I'm not sitting idle.

The way these new Biomes work is that whenever you find one, you roll 1D4 to see which shape it takes and then mark the outline of it on your map as best as you can. If you need to rotate it, then do so. Then, whenever you're exploring a Square inside that Biome, you use its ♣ and ♠ Tables to see what you find.

Nice and simple but also adds a tonne of new content to the game.

These new Rooms and Units also show off a bit of the Unlockable Content system I have planned for the DELVE sequel. One of the big complaints a lot of people had with DELVE is that it throws everything at you and leaves you to figure it out, which is a very Marmite game mechanic.

In the sequel, my plan is to give you plenty of options at the start but to also introduce a sense of progression via Technology, Magic, and Diplomacy options similar to a video-game's Tech Tree. But again, we'll talk about that later :)

DELVE Biomes should be done before the end of the month but as I'm currently doing a circus course that means I'm exercising from 10am to 5pm every day progress has somewhat slowed. Especially as I'm having to juggle 3 projects at the moment.

So far I've finished up:

The Roots, Ant Colony, Lava Caverns, Foul Temple, The Dark Sea, Fallen Hold, Hall Of The Gods, and most of Ancient Workshop.

Thanks again for your support and I'll be back with the expansion as soon as it's ready! <3


Rachel Powell McCurley

Fascinating! I'm looking forward to seeing it. :D Also, a circus course? Sounds fun!